Sending Exports off to Adobe Media Encoder

Lets talk exports!

This movie is a bit longer that previous posts, but I think you’ll find that it covers a lot, and a very important topic. In order for us to send sequences off to AME there are really three main things to cover; .epr files, settings sequences to be the current active sequence, and (as always) Adobe’s sample code.

.epr files

.epr files are adobe’s form of presets for exporting video. Much like an .sqpreset file like we talked about in the previous post, a .epr is simply saving your export settings for reuse later. You can create these from Premiere’s export dialog, and for that I will refer you to this point in the movie above. For more information you can check out this link here.
You can then find these saved .epr files at the following file path:
Documents > Adobe > Adobe Media Encoder > 12.0 (or current version) > Presets
So get your .epr files created, that way you can start having fun with exporting out your files!

Setting sequences to be the current active sequence

This part of the movie uses a bit of a workaround to set the sequences we would like to export to be the current active sequence. Basically, when you are accessing a sequence from the project panel…. lets say its index is app.project.rootItem.children[3].children[2]…… even though that is a sequence, you will not be able to open it as the active sequence because at this point you are accessing it as a projectItem.
Instead what we do in the movie above is go grab the sequence name of app.project.rootItem.children[3].children[2], and then search through the projects sequences, which can be accessed via app.project.sequences[x]. You can loop through these very easily searching for your sequence name.

for(var a=0;a<numSeqs;a++){
var exportName = targetBin.children[a].name;
if(app.project.sequences[b].name == exportName){
app.project.activeSequence = app.project.sequences[b];

(as always) Adobe’s sample code

As usual, a bunch of the code in this movie is pulled from Adobe’s sample code, however they seem to make it extremely complicated. I toned the code down quite a bit, pulling out things I did’nt think were needed for such a simple script. To go check it out for yourself, follow this link.