Batch Create Sequences from Presets, Intro to the QE DOM

Two lines of code are all you need to have your script create sequences automatically. Here’s the catch. Each one of those lines has a backstory that is important you understand if you want to continue learning to script in Premiere. Lets go over these;


This piece of code holds much mystery, but its needed to unlock an entirely new API for Premiere. Bruce Bullis – Integration Manager at Adobe – gives us the official definition….

Short for Quality Engineering. The QE DOM was created for internal automation and testing use. Still, as you noted, it provides loads of interesting and useful functions. You also mentioned the QE DOM’s Achilles heel: its project model refreshing is unreliable. Thus, the QE DOM remains officially unsupported, and not recommended.
Read the full Forum Post Here

We will go MUCH deeper into the features of QE in a future movie, but for now, just know it is there. If you have the time, dig around into qe: and qe.project; with the Property Explorer Add-on we discussed in an earlier blog post.

qe.project.newSequence(“Name as a String”, “Filepath to .sqPreset”);

The first thing to take note of here is that we are accessing the newSequence() function through qe.project, not app.project. We are operating in a new DOM.

Next, you need to create a .sqPreset and link to that filepath. You can create this preset within Premiere be creating a new sequence, and in the dialog box, set some custom settings and save them out to a preset. You can find this preset in your User documents folder –Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\version number\Profile-username\Settings\Custom

Copy this to whatever folder you want and link to it, but make sure you get the separator correct in your filepath. If you need to check to make sure you are usingt he correct one, check the sample code here.

And there you have it! Next step is to create multiple .sqPresets and set conditional statements based on imported footage. This really steps up the possibilities of automating your project startup.