Short post. To the point. Who’s going?

As I continue to plan what I will share on this website, I consistently come back to the question of what you all will want? What topics should I cover? How long should these videos be? Should I rely more on video or blog text?
So, this could be a great opportunity! If any of you are headed to NAB in Vegas, I’d love to meet, connect, and pick your brain on what you like and dislike about this site. I’d also just like to flat out meet anyone who finds this content interesting, because in my experience many editors don’t.
Use the time to give me feedback, ask questions, or chat about all the cool stuff that will be at the conference this year.
Email me at premiereonscript [at] and lets meet up. I have most of Monday and Tuesday open.
And of course, I can see from the Google Analytics data that many of you are not from the States, but I don’t want you to think that your opinion is not valuable. If you would like to give some feedback on the site, please follow this link to a survey that will help me make this all better for you!
Thank you, sincerely.